Since having this treatment, I have been feeling so much better and have so much more energy ~ Susan Bryson, client at Temple Cleansing
The value of Colonic Irrigation for healthy living is gradually being recognised and many doctors are now recommending the treatment to their patients. Have you ever eaten junk food, fatty food, lollies, processed food, food with preservatives, too much or too little food? Have you ever drunk cola, sugar or aspartame based soda, cordial, coffee, tea or any drink with caffeine in it? I’m sure that your answer is, ‘Yes.’
If so, you may need Colonic Irrigation.
Colonic Irrigation
It is now beginning to be recognised that many of the physical illness we suffer originate in the colon. Because of our Western life-style and the food we eat, our colons (or large intestines) are being required to do more than that for which they are designed.
Consequently, they are getting progressively more unhealthy and unable to cope with the demands. In industrial countries more than 30% of the population suffers from deficiencies caused by poor nutrition and unhealthy eating habits.
The phrase ‘Colonic Irrigation’ may conjure up ideas that it are a bit ‘scary.’ However simply put, Colonic Irrigation is a gentle, warm internal bath that cleanses the large intestine.
Colonic Irrigation is a safe effective method of removing waste from the large intestine, without the use of drugs. The procedure involves gently mixing warm filtered water into your rectum, which softens and loosens faeces, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. There is no odour and modesty is maintained at all times. Most people find this very effective for many issues and also find the procedure is very relaxing.
Colonic Irrigation is ideal if you are suffering with any of the following:
Bad Breath
Digestive Orders
Body Odour
A Safe Procedure
Temple Cleansing Studio use state-of-the-art equipment, which is Australian made, has been designed to ensure your comfort during the process. All rectal tubes are sealed in sterile packs and opened only when required for your treatment, after which it is immediately discarded. All other equipment is chemically sterilised and cleaned between appointments.
What to Expect
Before your Colonic Irrigation treatment our therapist will collect your medical history. You will be then taken into the treatment room where the therapist will explain the procedure in detail and answer any questions you may have. The procedure is
very comfortable and relaxing.
The equipment used at Temple Cleansing Studio is an open fed gravity system which means it does not require the constant attendance of the therapist so it is not embarrassing at all. Throughout your 45 minute session our therapist will check
on you to ensure your comfort.
Tips Prior to Your Visit
Drink plenty of water before and after your session
If you have scheduled a colonic, we recommend you do not eat 2 hours before your appointment, and keep your meals light 12 hours before.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us!
For more information about this procedure please contact us